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Thursday, July 2, 2009
i am now here ppl; http://msbk.tumblr.com/

but i'll be back here to check once in awhile. see ya!

it's 21:28 now

doubt and trust
Saturday, May 30, 2009
i'm supposed to mention this posts ago, but better late than never i always say. and i when i said i always say means i DO always say it especially for those who's always known me. LOL

what i'm supposed to mention is, why and where the hell did my previous awesome blog skin go?! basically the codes crashed so i copied it onto a note and got a replacement skin (which is this one) as i tried to fix the initial one. guess what? *poof* at the most convenient of times the acer lappy would always be more than happy to provide you the greatest inconvenience and FYL up. 3 words. fucking blue screen.

anw this skin isn't that bad. turned out better than expected. i don't know what anime is this that is present in the skin but it looks cool and i might watch it.

besides that. hols are here, and i'm not feeling it one bit. friday's lesson ended and i didn't feel the hit of the atmosphere. ask jonger, he was there when i realised that school just ended and the hols are coming. also, i've got 2 incoming camps. replug camp and guitar ensemble. looking forward to both of it. :)

there, updated.


a bientot and au revoir

p.s. suddenly can't stop using *eyebrows* thanks alot B.


it's 22:44 now

tetris madness!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
dedicated to my classmates who got hooked on it. LOL

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it's 23:01 now

the inevitable.
Friday, May 8, 2009
finally able to blog, been busy lately.
2 things, replug auditions and pp scope deadline.
was busy practising and contemplating alot on what songs should I play for the audtions, i was initially planning to play "Close To You" on the guitar but I decided on "City of Delusion" by Muse in the end because I realised it had a catchy spanish tune and the chords were pretty impressive and fun to play. I just stuck with "We Walk" by The Ting Tings all along for the piano. Slightly disappointed in myself but I guess it could've gone worse.
PP Scope wasn't that bad, didn't touch much about it till the day right before submission, kinda panicked but I nailed it on the day itself and got it approved.

Now with those done it feels like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders right?


Alas, the greatest sabo that ever befell upon me. :O

Mail #1

Mail Title : You Are In RP Talent Fiesta Competition!!!

Good day all!

This email is to notify you that you had been nominated into this competition by your fellow classmates and friends! We will be contacting you guys soon yea?

Do continue to check out your emails regarding RP Talent Fiesta!

All the best for your new coming weeks of school!

Mail #2

Dear Nominees of RP’S TALENT FIESTA,

I am sure you have received an email earlier stating that you have been nominated into this event. Congratulations to all of you.

“You would be wondering now what you have been nominated for to be part of this event” – Your talents have been recognised by your peers and thus leading them to nominate you for this event.

“Well, you have been nominated to be a really talented in playing musical instruments by a number of your peers due to a distinct talent that you possess”

There will be a recording session this Friday 15th May 2009 at classrooms W14K&W14L from 4.30pm-7.00pm; to record your talents, and our judgements will be based from them. Look out for further emails to check if you are selected as our finalists. We are recording your talents, for verification purposes, and our final 20 finalists would be picked based on the results of the recording session.

Please bring your own musical instruments if possible and bring any certification of achievements, if any (especially those who cannot bring their instruments like drums. It’s good if you have videos of you playing your musical instrument). Do note that there will be no music provided.

Do get the attached consent form signed and brought along on Friday for approval of participation.


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it's 23:28 now

Influenza A (H1N1) infection
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I was just checking through my school mail today. guess what? show you something.

Thank you for registering and having the interest in Replug IG.

As mentioned during the SLA Fiesta, there will be a mandatory introductory session and audition briefing this coming week.

It will be on Tuesday, 5th of May, 4:15PM – 5:15PM at LR- W3.


Welcome to Athletics IG!

I would like to inform you that

your first training will be on

Tuesday (5th May 2009).

Please be at Sports complex

level 1 (next to the field) by

5.15pm sharp.

WTF?! It's only the start of the IGs and my schedule's already clashed! okay maybe not entirely clash, but unless I have some teleporting abilities (which i wish i do) i need to find a way to get from the LR to the field pronto! i can't imagine how will i possibly manage this in the future.
i'm gonna have to settle my priorities, which might mean i have to drop one of them. sigh... well it's not a certainty that i'll get into replug anyway. Hmmmm.

Anyway, another interesting mail i'd like to share;

(bcc-ed to all Staff and Students)

Dear staff and students,

please take note that the World Health Organization (WHO) has renamed the swine flu as Influenza A (H1N1) infection.

Hence please refrain from using the term “swine flu” in all communications.

Thank You.

Seriously? what do they mean renamed? hasn't that always been its scientific term, and wouldn't "swine flu" be a much easier term to remember by and refer to for the citizens? cut the bs and we'll just call it swine flu!


A: *Aah...

B: >_>





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it's 23:09 now

go on, shoot.


The people he grew up with has grown fond of just calling him Syaz, Syazi or Wan. Preferrably Syaz.


Tossed into the wildlife of Republic Polytechnic on 2008.

He is notoriously known for being forgetful, messy and a bad cook.

And no he's not something to step on like a piece of fabric made of plaited or woven rushes, straw, hemp, or similar fiber, or of some other pliant material, as rubber, used as a protective covering on a floor, like a mat.

No he's not even legally a Malay.

A man of few words, but a man of his words nonetheless.



Run, Baby Run

· Aini · Damian · Faidzal · Kaliesah · Raihan

· Brenda · E.Wong Xiao Ting · Haikal (Pyro) · Halimah · Janice · Johnboy

· Cassandra · Luke · Sinah · QY

· Amanda · Amir · Izza · Kifer · Sheryl · Syed

· Carolnye · Evelyn · Siti · Zhuxin

· Ryan · Shazlin

August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 April 2009 May 2009 July 2009

brushes x x
texture colorfilter
images undeadmiko
skin slayerette